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Corrugated pipe culvert

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Performance of corrugated steel culvert

Time:2015-09-02 16:01
  The corrugated steel pipe culvert in analysis of large strain analysis and small strain results is very close, and anti open groove backfilling construction technology proposed boundary condition method with better accuracy, meet the requirements.
  Through the finite element analysis, we obtain the following series of mechanical properties of the steel corrugated pipe culvert:
  (1) tube tangential and axial stress strain, deflection and the maximum equivalent stress under constant load with fill height increase in linear growth law, increase the height of live load with fill reduces gradually; the overall shear strain value is greater than the maximum value of the maximum axial force of top of the pipe to the strain; the tangential strain based.
  (2) the diameter of dead load, live load under the action of wave tube side tangential and axial are subject to; in the top of the pipe and pipe bottom crest trough and tube side troughs appeared tangential tensile, compressive, axial compression or tangential to axial force variation law of pull complementary; each measuring point under dead load shear strain is larger, the axial strain is relatively small.
  (3) to the axial stress strain with wave form change law of alternating pull pressure pipe cutting top of wave crest and trough at.
  (4) peaks and troughs in the top of the pipe, tube and pipe bottom side for the stress concentration position, position and the load of each diameter maximum equivalent stress is closely related; the maximum equivalent stress generally increases with the increase of diameter; with the corrugated pipe culvert wall thickness increases, the maximum equivalent stress is the number of reduce.
  (5) waveform when differences its maximum effect and the deflection difference, small waveform uniform stress distribution.
  (6) compared with the circular pipe culvert, displacement, the tube side horizontal corrugated pipe culvert on the deflection and on road disturbance is small, is conducive to the protection of road.
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